Wednesday, August 3, 2011


A little history about JAARS. Back when Cameron Townsend first founded the organizaiton in 1948,  JAARS stood for "Jungle Aviation And Radio Services". He realized how important aviation could be in reaching people who live in inaccessible terrains. More than 60 years later, JAARS has done away with the acronym because its services now include computers, maritime services, media and so much more.

This time last year, I had a full page list (or two!) of things I was anticipating packing for our 2 1/2 week trip, bound for Waxhaw, NC and the JAARS facility. Jason had been invited back in April for a TE (technical evaluation) to test his maintenance and pilot skills. This would be the first step, of what would be many, in our application process with Wycliffe.

So many things were uncertain this time last year...what would be involved in the TE? Would he pass? If he did pass, what would be next for us? Some things we already knew...the Lord had already provided us with the funds to pay for the TE, the time off work for Jason, portable DVD players for the kids (yes, priorities :)). We had a peace that we were doing exactly what we were supposed to be doing, in the midst of the unknowns.

Those two weeks at JAARS turned out to be some of the best, most stressful times for us. Jason was tested, tried and challenged almost every single day for two weeks straight. This was no cake walk for him and there was nothing I could do but encourage and pray for the Lord's will to be done.

We met people who were in the same position as us...unsure of the future, but so certain this is what God had called them to do. We met families who had been on the field for years and heard their stories about how God was using His people, with their variety of skills, to get the Bible into the hands of so many that don't have it.

The last Thursday we were there, Jason had finished his last major flight, the TE was "officially" over...I remember saying to him, "I'm going to be really sad if we don't get to do this." My heart had been changed. I wanted to be a part of Bible Translation.

We knew he had done his best, the end result was in God's hands. Friday morning rolled around and we anticipated (understatement of the year!) our "results meeting" early that afternoon. When they gave him his acceptance letter, we were surprised and excited. With that excitement, more questions...and even more questions came up on our 16 hour drive back to Texas! (Nothing like a good long car ride to make you question everything!)

But here we are, a year later, making plans to head back to JAARS in January for more training and to complete another step to get us ready for PNG. The Lord continues to show His faithfulness and we continue to be amazed at His goodness and grace.

A verse I was reminded of last year still has truth for us today as we plan and make preparations...

"The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the Lord." Prov. 21:31

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