Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Time in Tuscaloosa

~Hi from Alabama~

I had high hopes to post yesterday...even last night, but Sunday proved to be more emotionally involved than I had anticipated plus with all the odds and ends that were left that needed to be picked up, thrown out or creatively crammed in our two vehicles...it was a busy day.

Yes, we're only in the van and the Camry...that has 3 bikes attached. We are seriously "low ridin" and I know you need a visual...I will get this soon...just not today. I'm tired.

Why didn't we rent a U-Haul you ask?

Well, I've asked myself that question many a time since Friday when Jason and his brother packed us up. Number one reason: money. It was just too expensive to get a trailer plus we'd have to get a hitch for the van and that didn't happen, so we creatively crammed. I am nervous about Wednesday when we have to "un-cram" just as creatively.

So here we are in Tuscaloosa, Alabama for the night after a crazy week filled with appointments, turning in keys, changing addresses, dinner dates, discovering a new love in the space saver bag, saying good-byes and oh yes...celebrating a fiercely independent two year olds birthday...

Last night, our amazing church family blessed us again with their love, prayers and support. There is no way to adequately say "thank you" to all of them. We were overwhelmed, humbled and amazed at how the Lord uses His people. I have cried and cried til I thought my eyes were going to fall out. And to think, I thought I was fine! I even made it through Sunday morning service (well sort of...Jason sang and I lost it at the end) but even when Pastor had us come on stage, I was fine and tear free.

Not last night. Saying good-bye to people that have influenced us, cared for our kids throughout the years, some of our closest friends...I was a certified wreck. Even one of the 9 year old girls came up and mentioned I was "kind of" a disaster. Yep, the honesty of a child.

I guess I didn't really want to leave because I ended up at home with the nursery beeper as a souvenir of our time there. (Don't worry, 22 will be in its rightful spot recharged by Wednesday night thanks to my mother-in-law.)

This morning we headed out for Day 1 of what we hope to be the first of many moves this year.

This girl has watched movies til her eyes have bugged out, but she's happy...with snacks from Uncle Stephen and Aunt Kristy...so all is well in her world (and mine since the girls are with me in the van)

We also have a new game called "Can you find the toddler"? It gives you an embarrassing glimpse into the van. I didn't think a vehicle could hold that much, but...

I am SO grateful and thankful to each of you that have prayed for us today. We have felt them and things have gone incredibly smooth thus far. I have the best kids. 
You couldn't ask for more from the three of them. 

But now, it's bedtime. 

Til tomorrow...Roll Tide!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a wreck reading your post and reliving our "see ya laters". I'm sad you won't be there when we take our furlough, but maybe we'll cross paths. Praying for you! Love the pics of the van.... good times!


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