Monday, May 24, 2010



Welcome to my little speck of the internet world known as my blog! So glad you found me! This is still a work in progress so if you come back, it's likely to look different. Especially the backgrounds. LOVE all the options out there, but for my initial launch, the cloudy background seemed appropriate with the title, even if it's a little boring!

What will you find on here?? Same stuff as the other blog. Posts on the kids (for the grandparents :)) and random topics from me. Lord willing this summer, you can follow us on our journey (nice way of saying VERY LONG road trip with 3 kids!!!) to North Carolina as we continue the process with JAARS . Who knows how it will all go down, but either way, we know we will see the Lord at work and are trusting in Him through it all!

I was asked at the last blog why I don't write out the names of people I'm talking about. Honestly, I'm lazy plus it's what I call them here at home, so it just feels normal to write like I talk. So here are the cast of characters in this crazy ride called "our life":

J-Amazing hubby, wonderful dad and pretty darn good pilot if I do say so myself.

D-Our 6 1/2 year old son. He just graduated from kindergarten and he's ready to conquer the world, or at least the neighborhood, on 2 wheels!

Mo-Orange curls, blue eyes, non-stop talking, tons of laughs, 3 1/2 year old. The creative, recessive gened child.

Mal-Our latest edition...a sweet baby girl who's already 4 months old! Mostly laid back...unless she's in the church nursery.

Me-Planner, organizer, chauffer and referee to this bunch.

And that's our happy little fam of 5. Hope you enjoy my new little place on the world wide web as much as I think I'm going to like it.

Lemme hear from you and you know you'll hear more from me soon!


  1. Love the new blog. Wordpress and I never could get along:)

  2. so glad you're on blogspot! we like it and i never could comment on wordpress without joining. praying for you guys and looking forward to following you on your journey :) will you guys be around this summer? we're flying in on june 30th and leave again august 26th.


Your thoughts?

The Unfinished Conversation

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