Saturday, September 25, 2010

Things I Love...

-Friday nights hanging out at home with the hubs, my kids and nieces while their parents get a break! (And a good cup of coffee!)

-Owls-can you tell? They are so cute! Yes, it probably a fad, but I don't care! And I love seeing what cute owl things they have here. It's been hard to resist buying it all...well almost all of it!

-Seeing my son get excited about learning, making new friends and having fun.

-Spontaneous hugs and kisses from the birthday girl this week.

-Watching the wee one get into anything and everything. I'm reminded how blessed we are that she is happy and healthy...even with all the bumps and bruises!

-A super sweet, fun class. Couldn't ask for a better group this year!

What do you love today??

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