Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fifteen Years

Over the weekend we reunited with some of my friends/former roommates from college who now live in Virginia and Raleigh. We met for the first time when we lived together the summer of '97. It sounds weird to say that because it doesn't feel like it's been that long, but...I guess it has.

Some things change in fifteen years...

-Your status (and not just on Facebook!) from single to married. 
A pilot, engineer and yes, even a real life rocket scientist are in the mix now.
Why, yes, we are LU could you guess?

-Moving, finding jobs, losing jobs then settling in where the Lord wants you.

Currently, we each have 3...
Boys first followed by 2 sisters. 
The boys were severely outnumbered this weekend but held their ground :)

Some things never change...

-Staying up way too late talking, solving all of life's problems. 
**Note** aforementioned kids don't care if you've stayed up 
til the wee hours of the morning...they still get up at the same time! 
And no, we still didn't solve anything we were trying to figure out...
except that there really aren't two equators...don't ask...the pilot and engineer were highly amused though!

-Coffee runs, movies and shoe shopping 
with a side of deep conversation in the aisle of Sperry's.

-Lots of tear inducing laughter and great food.

So thankful for a weekend to catch up and thankful for friendships with endurance.

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