Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trying to Catch On

I was reminded of a verse that I ran across through during some interesting times in my life many years ago. A few days ago, the Lord reminded me of the verse again...

Ecclesiastes 7:8
"The end of the matter is better than its beginning and patience better than pride."

Insert your "matter" whatever it is. Over the years my "matter" has been a little bit of issues, health issues, wondering how it's all supposed to work out issues, praying for other people and their name it, more than likely it's been inserted.

But I'm reminded that if we are patient and not prideful, whether it be in attitude or action (i.e. maybe trying to fix the problem ourselves and not waiting on God to answer??), then the end of the matter will even be better than how it started. After all, if I'm truly seeking the Lord's will in what I'm doing then isn't His answer all I need?

The problem I find sometimes is that what I want at the end isn't always the best or what the Lord wants for me or whoever I'm praying for. Insert big sigh, probably a tear or two and more than likely, a smidge of frustration!

But I am thankful for a Heavenly Father that doesn't give up on me just because I don't get it the first time around. Many times I feel like my own kids in that the Lord keeps telling me things over and over and over again...I'm sure one day He's hoping I finally catch on!

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