Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Dunno...

Lately, that's been my answer to people concerning our little adventure we're taking in August. If you're counting, we leave in 15 days...gulp...

Everybody wants to know...what's next after this? Where will we go if we're accepted? When will we leave? Where will the kids go to school?

My answer..."I really don't know. I'm kind of on a need to know basis."

And you see, I really am. I mean, our new-found friends at JAARS have given us a very vague, general timeline as to the "process", but we're not even sure how our 2 1/2 week trek will pan out. Everyone assumes that J will rock it and it's a non-issue that we'll be accepted.

He and I aren't that confident.

I think it's different when you're the one in the thick of it, actually having to walk through the hoops, totally relying on the Lord for your future.

You know. You've been there at some point in your life. You've had your cheerleaders and supporters with you 100% of the way even if you didn't feel like you could do it. And like us, you're grateful for the support, but in the back of your mind you're thinking, "Uh...I think I can do this, but I'm not sure..."

But one question that we get alot, that I can answer is, "How can we pray for you guys?" I am relieved at this one because if you're asking, I know you really want to know! Don't worry...I have many an answer for the question! So here, in no particular order, are a couple of the things we need prayer for:

-Safety during our travels. And under this, you might throw in patience for everyone involved. The kids haven't been on this long of a road trip before, so I know it'll be hard on them...and us even though we've hit the road before...just not with 3 kids!!

-For J and the actual technical evaluation. The first week is maintenance and the second week is the actual flying part. We need great weather that week! ("We" as if I'm going to be the one flying?!?)

-Last, and most importantly, that the Lord's will be done. If we are supposed to do this, pray that we will know without a shadow of doubt. Pray that those doing the evaluating will have clarity of thought during the process. If it's not what we're supposed to do, we're seriously okay with it. We just want to do whatever the Lord wants us to do. Right now, it's to go to NC and take the TE...beyond that...I dunno :)

And if I haven't said it before to you, my faithful blog reader, thank you. Thanks for keeping up with us and caring enough to ask all the questions. I hope to have some answers soon.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that your journey is bringing you here. I'll help you stabilize after that long trip with the three little ones.


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