Friday, July 2, 2010

Thankful Thursday...

Today's post is all about how thankful I am for my girlfriends, near and far. I am blessed to have such amazing friends so today, this one's for the girls...

Thanks for...

*Making me laugh until my stomach hurts and tears roll down my face...

*Sending me (or my kids) something in the mail "just because" or dropping off cake because "some days just need to end in cake"...

*Tolerating my somewhat, okay, really obnoxious, loud behavior when lack of sleep has done me in...

*Talking for hours about everything and nothing at all...

*Your honesty...whether it's a life issue or whether or not the blue top looks better than black...

*Some of you have known me a lllooonnnggg time...through the good, the bad (hello hair!!) and the ugly (let's not go there!) you're still around!

*Calling right before you know I'm going to bed, because you know how delirious I get, talking about hilarious nonsense and sending me off to bed. I then try to share this information with J because doesn't he need to know how funny it is?! I know you do it on purpose for his benefit!! He's still not laughing and thanks you for calling...again :)

*Continuing to go out to eat even though it's a sure bet that we'll be asked to leave again because they have to close. What we would do without 24 hour joints?

*Scaring the waitstaff with such sayings like, "Well, between us we have 14 kids..." And we're serious!

"A friend is the person that knows all about you and still likes you." Elbert Hubbard

I am blessed!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post! I'm pretty sure all your friends would agree that we are pretty blessed to know you too!


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