Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Certain Uncertainty

If you can believe it, the summer is slowing slipping between our fingers. July is on the horizon and June is setting faster than I anticipated.

July brings its own excitement... a garage sale (getting rid of junk is exciting or at least that's what I'm telling myself!) celebrating 10 years with my hubs, girls weekend with 2 of my best friends and then...AUGUST...and what could be the beginning of many more adventures for our fab 5.

As I was busily getting the 3 ring notebook organized for our trip (why yes, I am a planner, how'd you know?) it dawned on me that after August 28th, I'm really unsure of what is next. I haven't been this unsure about anything in a long time. School will start in September, I plan on teaching again, but what else, if anything?

By the time we leave on the 28th, Lord willing, we'll know what's next. The technical evaluation will be completed, the committee gathered, and a decision made.

We will know something before we leave NC. Whoa. (Knowing how things go around here it'll be, "Oh. Well...we'll call you in 3 weeks and let you know." UGH!!! Let's hope not for my sanity and graying hair! :))

One thing I know right now, even before we leave, is that I've never been so certain about the uncertainty of what's next. I know without a doubt that, right now, we are doing what the Lord wants us to do, whatever the outcome is. He's asked us to pursue this avenue, right now, not later. He's asked us to trust Him and right now that's all I can do.

So, as hard as it may be for me, I keep giving it all over to the Ultimate Planner (Jer. 29:11) with my highlighter and notebook in hand just in case He decides to fill me in on what's next.

Unfortunately for me though, I think I'm on a need to know basis.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you! This time last year was our most exciting yet slightly scary adventure and God taught me soooo much through all that. I know He's going to do the same for you....and on the other side of August 28th you'll be even more confident of HIS incredible plan for the Fab 5. I can't wait to hear all about it!


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The Unfinished Conversation

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