Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday Wonderings...

I apparently have way too much time on my hands since I'm now blogging about random things, but enjoy it while you can because once we get back to Texas, we hit the ground running and such craziness will not be blogged about :)

Today, I'm wondering if these things should concern me as a parent:

*My son told me the other day that I "kinda" look like his Lego man. It's gotta be the glasses people-seriously! I don't think my face is square but I haven't looked lately, so maybe...

*Today, this wild child, who hasn't been crawling for a full week yet, did this:
If you've been in contact with my older 2 for any length of time, you observe that we won't be getting athletic scholarships but theatrics or debate? Yeah, they're just a little verbose. So this craziness of trying to climb over and on things is ALREADY stressing me out! Who's kid is this anyway!? Can she be related to the other 2?? Maybe there is an athlete in the family.

*Should it concern me that the 3 year old is carrying on conversations with herself and her "friends" plus asking AND answering her own questions? Isn't that something that takes place in the twilight years of life? Or at least until she's in her 30's??

*And why, oh why, did children not come with volume control levels??

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