Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thankful Thursday!

The last 2 Thursdays I've been on the road and haven't had much time to write a few things that I'm thankful for! Well, today is wide open, so here it might be lengthy!

Today I'm thankful for...

*My husband. He has been challenged, stretched, and had to learn so much in the last two weeks. He has persevered through it all! Today he finishes his last flight for his TE! I was just thinking the other night that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but right here with HIM!! It's times like these I still can't believe I'm married to him!!

*Beautiful weather this week!! We prayed and the Lord answered ya'll! (had to throw that in-haven't heard it in awhile!!) It was cloudy all week last week and even rained several days. Not this week! Wonderful cooler temps and clear skies to fly!! Woo Hoo to answered prayer!

*3 kids who have been very patient through this whole process. They have been *somewhat* flexible with time changes, schedule changes, mood changes...haha! They have been troopers! We are blessed!

*For people here that have opened up their homes and their hearts to get to know us, feed us and pray for us. We've met some great people during our stay here.

*For the awesome opportunity to be at this organization, learning what they are doing to get the Word out to people that have NO written language. Can you believe that there are still over 350 million people that still don't have the Bible in their language? And here we have 4 or 5 Bibles just laying around our house. It's truly amazing to see what they are doing to find these people and get a written language into these people's hands.

*For friends and family that have been so supportive of us during the last 2 1/2 weeks. You all have prayed, talked, cried and given financially for us. We are so grateful and have been praying for you these last weeks as well! Can't wait to see you when we get home! (and for those of you I still can't see when I get home...big hugs from here!!!)

Looking forward to tomorrow's decision...whatever it may be! Totally trusting that the Lord knows what's best for us! More from us...soon...with news!!

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