Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back Tracking...

My deepest apologies to all you loyal followers that were expecting an update with NEWS on Friday. I thought I'd have all the time in the world to blog about what happened, but that DIDN'T you figured out. I'm so sorry! It's been CRAZY!!

So here's the Reader's Digest summary of the last several days...

*As most of you know, or have heard from reliable sources, J DID pass the Technical Evaluation with JAARS!! I think we were seriously in shock when we were reading the "official" congratulatory letter. The last 2 weeks had been stressful, intense and challenging. I figured we would just come home with the valuable lessons the Lord had taught us about HIS goodness and provision. We did that PLUS had the great news that J had done so well! YAY!!!

*What does this mean? What's next?

Good questions...what we know right now is that we have to finish our application with Wycliffe. During this time we also are praying about WHERE to go.

The options, as have been explained in detail during meeting #2 on Friday, for us, it seems right now, are Papua New Guinea and Cameroon, West Africa. (Go ahead...take a breath...I did!) We want to go where the Lord leads and we don't have a preference at this point. Once we know the "where", we will start raising support, and then move on to training. And again, the training will depend on "where" and "when" we go for various reasons. I'll save that for another time, after all, this is supposed to be the Reader's Digest version!!

*After all of that news on Friday, we had new friends over for breakfast on Saturday morning, headed to Charlotte on Saturday afternoon. We visited the Billy Graham museum-amazing! And then found a restaurant that was on Food Network's "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" called "Cabo Fish Taco". They had fabulous food and we headed back to clean our little abode from the last two weeks and pack!

*Sunday we drove over half way and stopped for the night to let our natives swim and run around and then finally last night we made it HOME!

(BIG Thanks to some wonderful friends who brought us dinner and my sister and brother in law who snuck in some groceries to get us through today!!)

*Today we put away everything from the trip and I head to my preschool room...Open House is Thursday!!! I *think* I'm ready, but still have a few things that I need to get squared away so at least I feel a little better about things.

So that's kind of the scoop-the short and sweet version! Ask questions because I know we are and please pray for us when you think about us. The next several weeks are going to be interesting as we see what the Lord has next for us!

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