Friday, September 3, 2010

Roadtrip Recap...

When you've spent as much time in the car as we have recently, some funny things can be said...some funny things can happen. Then, of course, there's just the totally random and for us, that happens way too much!

So before school starts and we get back into a "normal" routine (which I am THRILLED about- seriously, I am!!) I thought I'd recap some funny Brewer moments...or as a friend calls them "Brew-haha's"!

Some funny things from D...

-Day 1 at about, oh, 6:30 a.m. We'd be on the road about an hour and a half and he asked, "So how much longer??" Obviously he has no concept of time. Please Mrs. Ali, help him this year learn what time is all about. 17 hours one way didn't help at all.

-In one day D saw 22 different license plates on the road. He kept looking for one from China and that took further explanation...see next question...

-"Now tell me again, WHY do people have license plates??" Get the boy some driver's ed courses please!

-While the girls were at the "rest stop" in Arkansas, a bird flew IN to the van!! I don't know who was more scared...the bird (we knew he was scared b/c he left a "present" by the window) or Jason! I'm glad I didn't watch that scene play out!

And from Mo...who always has SOMETHING to say...

"MOM!!! Dylan called me FUN!!" (because that's the worse thing anyone could say about you?!)

"My tummy is hurting for breakfast!" (her favorite meal of the day!)

"Thank you for letting us stay in a HOTEL!!" I don't think there has been anyone more excited about spending the night in a hotel---ever.

"Will there be a bathroom in the hotel because I really have to!"

"Are we still in Memphis? I don't like Memphis because the water in the river is dirty."

She at fruit loops for breakfast 3 mornings in a row. I know for some of you it's the breakfast of champions, but I'm a stickler and she only gets that kind of cereal on Saturday mornings...or on vacation...

And I'm wondering if it should concern me that my children could be the Food Ambassadors for Cracker Barrel. They know the menu by heart and they know what they want before we get in the parking lot. Although, if given the choice between CB and Chick-Fil-A, CFA will win because of the playground. Maybe as future Food Ambassadors for CB, playgrounds will be installed.

1 comment:

  1. I love the license plate game! If he finds one from China, let me know.


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