Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

I know, I know...most of the time you hear this about Christmas and don't get me wrong-I love me some Christmas, but Saturday began the 2010 college football season. Time to switch my ringer to the fight song that will in turn get my children to sing it over and over again :) There is no brainwashing here at all.

For the next 4 months or so, every weekend, I will be glued to the t.v. or internet watching games, catching up on scores and hoping my Sooners can pull through without Sam Bradford. I don't have anything against Landry (yes, we're on a first name basis) but he's young (and I'm so old?!?!) Sam was seasoned and injured, yet primed for the NFL (he went to the Rams for you non-Sam followers). So I question Landry's ability to really hang in there when times get tough and the big games count. And no it's not just about the QB, but I don't have time to get in to the other lines and their issues. I'm a great couch coach can't ya tell? My Nannie is even better!

I try not to be a fair weather fan, really I do, but I just get "concerned". I will not switch my allegiance to some shade of maroon and white nor will I be caught dead in burnt orange (I look horrible in that color!), but I will dutifully support the crimson and cream to the end. Including harassment from my supposed "friends". We're friends the other 8 months out of the year, but now our status is on hold til the Big 12 Championship decides who will have bragging rights for another year. I know, it's kinda of complicated.

And in case you're wondering, yes I did wait to post this until I knew for sure we had won against Utah State.

It's going to be a long season.


  1. Jaime, Jaime, *everyone* looks good in burnt orange! ;)

  2. LOL!! You are hilarious :) Yes, it's a tragedy to me that we can't spend more face time together. It's rare to find a girlfriend that likes football too! I've been playing fantasy football for a few years now... even got first place in a couple of the leagues. Because the Bible says "judge not..." then I will try not to fault you for where you were maybe born (?) or raised and so you were yourself brainwashed into thinking the Sooners were the "right" team.... ahhh, you are already on my prayer list for the JAARS stuff, but now I have another reason ;) hahahahaha!

    Hope you take teasing fairly well ;) It is going to be a long season.

    Your football lovin', Austrian livin', Texas rootin' friend,

  3. ACHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
    Pass the tissues please, I'm allergic!


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