Thursday, October 14, 2010

Answers with More Questions

I haven't uploaded the pics I have about the other things I want to blog about so this post is easy-no pictures required! But you might want to put your mental picture cap on to envision some of this...or not!

And for those of you that go to church with us, have regular contact with us (i.e. friends, family, the checkers at Wal-Mart) then you might want to skip this post all together. You've heard most of it and bless your hearts, your patience should be rewarded! But here's the latest just in case...

A couple of weeks ago we received our Wycliffe Application, the next step in our process. Silly me thought I'd just sit down for an hour, maybe two, fill it out, and turn it back in.

Oh I was SO wrong.

The intro to the app says it'll take a minimum of 10 hours. I had no idea how time intensive the process would be. And don't get me wrong-I know why they ask what they ask-I was just surprised.

And a blessing in disguise?? Sick kids kept J and I each at home for stretches of time to actually STOP what we were doing outside of the "normal" routine and get the general app section done. Whew! What a relief. So shortly after all of those parts were received we got an email asking us to have an interview with our Personnel Administrator.

Now, my lack of sleep (that's another blog all together) paired with apparently a lack of full comprehension has had me thinking our PA is our Personal Assistant. My mom even asked, "Will they come help you with laundry and dishes?"(No I don't think she was knocking my housekeeping skills although those are in question these days.)

J finally straightened me out and said, "Um...he's our Personnel Administrator. You would need to hire a personal assistant to help you with the laundry, dishes and chauffeuring."


Now that I'm back on track (not with sleep, just a helpful hubby!), I'm just referring to him as our PA :) And we're meeting him this Monday face-to-face.

We're excited, apprehensive, nervous about the interview. But, as only good parents do, we will take advantage of being kid-free that day and go eat at a restaurant where I don't have to unwrap food, pour ketchup or smell french fries! I hope I haven't just totally limited our meal options! :) Plus we'll be dressed up so it'll really feel like a date-haha!

So that's where we're at right now. Still waiting and watching the Lord unfold His plan for our future one small step at a time.

Have I mentioned I'm learning about patience these days??


  1. So excited for you guys, Jaime! Enjoy your date.

  2. Ketchup isn't all bad, James. And I'm in the market for a personal assistant, too. I won't be able to pay them, so it will have to be considered an internship or something. Love you!


Your thoughts?

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