Saturday, October 30, 2010

Peer Pressure

This week, I've faced many types of peer pressure:

-While out with friends late one get 1 or 2 scoops for my sundae? "They" claim that calories don't count on these kind of evenings. I beg to differ and so does the scale.

-While having "Fun Fridays with Mrs. Jaime" in kindergarten, I was challenged to a bounce house obstacle course race. I have the "bounce house burns" on my elbows as proof. And a Fun Friday was had by all!!

-And now the latest peer pressure: trick or treating.

Here's the deal: I'm just not a huge fan of Halloween. I mean, growing up we had a great time dressing up and I have great memories...and still have all my teeth surprisingly enough!

It's just not the same anymore. Things get creepier every year. And yes, I know it's what you make of it. Obviously you don't have to have blood and guts to have a great time, but I still have issues...and I might need to loosen up a bit too. I know. Becoming a parent has really changed my attitude and perspective on things. (Insert big sigh...)

The last several years we've gone to church carnivals and the kids loved it. But this year we weren't going to our normal gig, so I was just going to let our beloved candy filled weekend slide by and move right on to Thanksgiving.

Obviously, that's not going to happen with a 7 and 4 year old who's friends are talking about what they're wearing for "the big night". And thus, more peer pressure.

I hate to admit it, but yet again this week, I'm giving in.

I want them to have memories of dressing up and getting candy--preferably chocolate for me! And I want them to, most importantly, HAVE FUN! This kid thing only lasts so long and I want to help them make the most of it.

So now we're scrambling to find something around the house that's suitable to wear for such an event. We've got a princess or ballerina (it's a toss up as of bedtime) and some sort of country boy with overalls and a straw hat. The baby? She's going as "the baby". I know. Creativity at it's finest this late hour.

We'll go to Nana's church and check out their carnival and hit up the candy drawer at Aunt and Uncle's house just to make sure we have a sufficient amount of tooth decaying treats. Then we'll call it a night and hopefully have some fun memories along the way...and maybe some Baby Ruth or Snickers to show for it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh....I am right there with you sista! We didn't do our first real trick or treat til 3 years ago. We go to select houses where we know the people or hit up a church festival too. Hope you have fun with your munchkins. Can't wait to see pictures!


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