Thursday, October 7, 2010

Seven Years

Is it really possible that today my first born turns SEVEN?!?

Does that mean we've been parents for seven years now??

Oh sweet D (even though I know you hate it and will roll your eyes at me) you're still my sweet boy and always will be-so get over it :)

Seven years ago we were scared, nervous, excited and had no idea what we were getting ourselves into becoming parents. You've taught us alot and I'm guessing we have a long ways to go in this gig of "learning how to be parents".

I remember thinking at the hospital the night you were born, "How could this little, tiny, human being grow up? One day he'll go to kindergarten, learn how to read, ride a bike..." and on and on. I couldn't imagine any of that 7 years ago.


You've grown up alright.

You loved kindergarten, are obsessed with first grade and are read like nobody's business. You're the best brother to your sisters when you aren't making them scream and cry :)

And I know you'll be the coolest Cub Scout--ever.

You are loved so much D. Whatever the Lord has planned for you, it has been and will continue to be a blast watching you become who He wants you to be.

Happy #7!

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