Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 8 of 25

Today I'm thankful for a new day, a fresh start, a new outlook.

Today is a chance to start over...make today better than yesterday.

Thankful that His mercies "are new every morning". Not just some mornings...even Monday's!

Thankful for forgiveness.

Thankful that I'm still loved even when I mess up as a mom, wife and friend.

How's your Monday shaping up?

1 comment:

  1. I love having a clean slate every morning; it's only two o'clock and I'm already waiting on tomorrow's clean slate and new mercies, because today is shot. I slipped and fell into some contraband chocolate, I've raised my voice at two of my three kids, and I forgot three things at the grocery store. But I'm going to try and be more thankful like you. That's a tall order for a cynic like me, but your recent blogging has inspired me. Thanks girl friend. Miss you and love you SO MUCH!


Your thoughts?

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