Thursday, December 9, 2010

Of Christmas Present

Christmas in the here and now...right this very minute. What does it mean to you? What are you doing to get ready?

Honestly, most of my focus this year has been making sure that my almost 11 month old doesn't scale the top of the tree or eat the sheep and hay from the manger scene. I said I was being honest.

I seriously considered not putting the tree up just because I didn't want to patrol her til January.

And I was seriously vetoed on that thought.

When I'm not on baby watch, I'm making sure the 2 older kids aren't fighting over who gets the candy out of the advent calendar or whining about why there are hardly any presents underneath the tree. (They don't need to know that their mother is severely behind on her shopping and that the paper is still hiding in the closet!)

And then I wonder...what will they remember about Christmas in later years?

I know what I want them to remember...

-We celebrated Jesus during this crazy time of parties, musicals and hectic schedules. Will they think it was as hectic as I feel it is right now? Will they really have instilled in them the true meaning of this season?

-We were with family and friends. The gifts were secondary from the laughs and memories made with the people we were with. Toys break or get lost, but being together is something no one can take away.

-We did have fun. Yes, they fought over the candy and who's year it was to put the star on top of the tree, but hopefully they can look back on it and laugh. Will they remember that every time they turned around their younger sister was trying to grab an ornament off the tree or eat the manger?!

-We are blessed. There many around us that aren't as fortunate. Hopefully they remember that we tried to make someone's Christmas a little brighter every year.

As I get back to patrolling the manger scene, I'm making it a point to enjoy these last few days before Christmas, even in the craziness, and remember the reason for the season...hopefully they will too!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jaime, for writing meaningful blogs that offer encouragement and valuable reminders. It's refreshing in the face of my blogs, which are full of sarcasm and useless comedy. Someday I'm going to start up a different blog that's meaningful and you'll be my inspiration.


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