Monday, January 17, 2011

Party Like You're 1

Normally my party planning for the kids is simple, goes off without a hitch and perfecto: party done, bring on the next year!

Not so much with the big numero uno party for Mal.

I think partly it's because her birthday falls so soon after the holidays, combine that with me being gone a week this year that I could have been at home planning plus starting back into our routine the next and then, oh my...a birthday! So this time I ordered supplies online, which I never do just because of cost,but I found some cute owl stuff that I wanted.

The box came, it had everything I ordered AND a personalized owl banner...for Sophia Louise.

When I saw it all I could think was, "Oh man...Sophia Louise's mom is probably not happy." I called the company and the operator thanked me for calling, but sadly, they couldn't track that aspect of the order so I could just throw the banner away.

I thought to myself, uh...NO...I'll just find a way to make it my own thank you very much!

So here's Sophia Louise's banner, with my "helpers" looking on, wondering, "What in the world is Mommy doing now?!":

And here's Mal's:

Then I was going to do owl cupcakes from my "Hello, Cupcake!" book. I bought ALL the supplies to make them except for cupcake liners which I didn't discover I didn't have until 9:30 that night. With no hubs home and three kids in bed, I opted for Plan B.

What was Plan B you ask? I had no idea until I googled "Owl Cakes". Searched for awhile, vented to a friend about my severe lack of unpreparedness for this party and come up with this:

And what did Mal think about the chocolate owl??

I think she was quite pleased with how it all turned out and none the wiser about the drama occurring at midnight the night before :)


  1. Wow. For not planning that cake is very impressive! And I love the banner! Very cute! Happy Birthday sweet Mal!!

  2. Very cute cake. And you must have got the same catalog from "Birthday Party Express" or whatever that I did. I thought about doing the boy owl for Samuel but opted, instead, for the army stuff that was on clearance for my "Savage Sam." Like you, I got all out for birthdays but haven't been prepared this year!


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