Saturday, January 15, 2011

Rock Star Status

I'll admit, I'm not usually one to get "giddy" or over the top about meeting "stars". I try to keep my cool. (I freak out later in the car!)

During college and later in my radio D.J. years, I had the opportunity to meet some fairly large name people with some fairly large egos, even in the Christian music industry but that's another post for sure.

But, and I HAVE to drop this in, I did have dinner with the radio station staff AND Chris Tomlin. THE super, mega, song writing, God loving CHRIS TOMLIN. He had been writing for a long time and finally going to sing some of his stuff and see how it would go. Super nice, super down to earth. And I think the whole music things has worked out nicely for Chris hasn't it?

***For the record, it's not "cool" or "appropriate" in the radio industry to beg and plead for an autograph or photo op so you're just going to have to take my word that it happened. I *think* we do have a signed CD of his just because he offered before he left.

Have I derailed? Oh yeah...back to my point...

Thursday night we had our monthly moms meeting at church. These monthly meetings are filled with all sorts of encouragement, challenging words, crafty ideas and of course, good food :) Thursday was our first meeting of the new year and we invited a lady by the name of Keelie who has a great story and journey you can follow here.

When we started planning for the year, it came up...could Keelie come and speak to our group? Um, YES! She just "so happens" to be with friends with one of the planners of the mom's team, so when I heard she was coming, I-Was-Giddy! Like, gonna meet a rock star giddy. Why? This girl is REAL, she is SO funny and just somebody you just want to talk to . She's so honest and open, but makes sure what you get from hearing her is that this was a God thing, not a Keelie thing. HE changed her and has helped her every step of the way. Seriously, go read her blog!!

She was such an inspiration to our group that night and she has set a fire among some in that group that won't be easily put out! That's kind of like rock star material right?! You wanna be like them, dress like them...okay, maybe that's extreme....but I am friends with her on Facebook now so does that make me a groupie??

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