Sunday, February 27, 2011


I have spent some time reflecting about the past year. A year ago, the urge from the Lord to GO was more than palatable for us. It was more like a hunger. A hunger that can't be satisfied until you're following and doing exactly what the Lord wants from you.

Exactly one year later, we are blessed with an opportunity to be a part of our church's missions conference and it kicks off tonight!!

I'm completely overwhelmed at what the Lord has done already and what He's going to do with this week.

The air has been thick with excitement from our church family and staff who have spent hours in preparation for this upcoming week. There have been countless hours of preparation, organizing, prayer and "behind the scenes" work for the events of this week. There is an excitement that only comes from longing to see God work. A longing for people to catch the vision of what He wants to do around the world.

We have been humbled at the outpouring of love that has been lavished on our family in the last several weeks. We have been reminded that this journey we are about to embark on is more than just us're coming with you pray, as you give, as you encourage us through your emails, phone calls and letters. We need you just as much as they need pilots in PNG. You are the lifeblood of our journey.

My prayer for this week is that we will see the needs in the world around us...that we will each do our part, whatever God calls us to do.

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