Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break

Spring Break has come and gone in a blur.

I had hoped to love my blog a little more over the week, but that didn't will you settle for a re-cap of the week?

I started the break by having 3, yes 3, teeth pulled. 2 wisdom teeth and then a permanent one in the back that had chipped, died and had to be removed. I'm not looking for sympathy because I should have had it taken care of long ago and I didn't. No excuses, I just didn't. Now I'm reaping the consequences of my actions. Gee...that sounds like I've said to a child or two this week...guess it's still applicable in the grown up world.

But you know? I'll survive...especially since my SIL and niece took pity on me and brought this peanut buttery chocolate goodness:

I'm convinced man cannot live on just liquids alone although J tells me it can happen. I'm just not that committed. I need some form of solid and if I have to get it in the form of pie, okay. That's fine with me!

And next in the fun department all 5 of us had to go for physicals and TB testing. Yep, that's the kind of fun we've had this week. Thankfully, the kids were AWESOME during the 3 hour stint of waiting, and waiting, getting poked...waiting some more. They were fine until we went for lunch and then the older 2 just lost it. They were maniacs, hitting, picking on and driving each other crazy. I guess they had mustered all the good they had within themselves for the doc's office. I'll take what I can get.

My dad, Pops as he's referred to under this roof, came and fixed a wall in our house. Don't's a long story. But now the wall is done and looks AWESOME! Thanks Pops & Grammy!

Then we went to see my brother and his wife and my nephews he latter part of the week. . The kids had a great time and once they were all in bed we were able to catch up!

On the trail behind their house.

Aunt J and Mo getting some good snuggle time in.

And to cap it off we finally dedicated this little girl at church today...

Looks are so deceiving because this is what she did earlier in the week...

I'm convinced she just can't help herself. She has to be in the middle of some sort of mischief. Constantly.

So there it is...Spring Break 2011 in the books.


What's next?

The next 2 months are going to be a whirlwind for us. We will head to Florida very soon to wrap up our Wycliffe training and when we get back, school winds down and summer gears up. We appreciate your prayers for us during this crazy time. We know the Lord is in control and He is faithful. Alot of what needs to take place over the next 9 months is totally out of our hands and we are completely relying on the Lord to show us each and every step.

We know He will...we're just hanging on for the ride!

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