Friday, January 6, 2012

Framed Reminders

I've been putting off this week for awhile now...sorting, cleaning, packing...again.

I know. Didn't we just do this you ask?

Yes, yes we did, but alas, the calendar says in less than a week and a half we hit the road and head east.

So Tuesday morning with many cups of coffee (I lost count as hubs kept asking if I wanted refills!) I started in sorting clothes, things and stuff, trying to plan ahead for years in advance for growing children...and their feet!

I was of meltdowns...until...I pulled out the box of pictures. Pictures that once hung in our hallways at home. Pictures of newborn chubby faces and of people that had more hair and were about twenty pounds lighter.

Bring on the tears.

Sitting in the middle of the floor surrounded by boxes, paper and frames, I was sorting out memories of our life. Looking at newlyweds who had no idea then that they would ever have three kids and be in the process of moving out of their comfort zone.

I couldn't help but think how blessed we've been in such a short amount of time as our little family has grown to five. From our moves and job changes in our "early days", to healthy pregnancies that gave way to happy babies and now this process...we overflow with His blessings.

He has gone with us every step of the way. Why do I worry, doubt or stress about the present when He's in control and always has been?

I have the pictures to prove it...reminders of His faithfulness. The pictures of family time and friends we've known. Pictures of God breathed nature and sky taken with my dad's careful eye. These reminders in frames that will go us...reminders that He's been there and He is with us now-wherever we are.

1 comment:

  1. STUFF SORTING! Is the hardest! And the distractions are the WORST! Kudos to you friend! God is good all the time!


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