Friday, November 23, 2012


Today as we pause, counting our gifts and blessings from Him...a very short random list of my own...

~The HOPE I have of eternity with Jesus Christ because of His death, burial and resurrection. For His forgiveness of sin, His grace and mercy...and unconditional love.

~My best biggest cheerleader, encourager, the guy who makes me laugh til my stomach hurts...awesome father to my children...the man I get to share life husband.

~Our 3 gifts we have on loan during our time on earth. They have brought endless joy and smiles, lots of noise and countless tears to our family...and I know there's more where that came from!

~For parents who taught me to love the Lord by their example. They continue to show me what commitment and a God-centered marriage looks like in the midst of trials, setbacks and adversity. (Friday they celebrate 38 years together!)

~For Godly, loving in-laws who raised a son that loves the Lord...and taught him how to do the laundry and dishes. They have accepted and loved me (and my sister-in-law) as one of their own.

~Sister friends to laugh with...cry with...and laugh some more...even in the toughest of times.

~Our awesome church family. Truly an expression of how the body of Christ should function.

~The changing of seasons and colors of fall.

~Flavored coffee creamer that makes my cup o' joe a little happier in the morning.

~Nap time

~For the future...the people...a new country to ways to see the Lord work.

What are you thanking God for today?

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his faithful love endures forever!" Psalm 107:1

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