Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday’s’s Thanksgiving Day on this side of the world ...and well...this has been a hard week for me.

I’ve realized this week that I really, really miss the holiday season 16 time zones away. I miss the anticipation of this week, the busy-ness, talking to my mom and discussing all the “last minute” details, who’s bringing what to eat and what time everyone will be there. I miss the kids being out of school, loading up and heading down the smooth, paved highway in our mini-van. Oh yes, thanks for asking, there IS a Starbucks stop along the way where something “holiday-ish” would fill my red cup (preferably a peppermint mocha!) Then there’s the Christmas music that would pour into our speakers a sure sign that the Christmas season was underway.

After all the festivities and family for Thanksgiving #1, we’d head back east and hit up Thanksgiving #2 complete with fried turkey, possibly some sort of shoot out with the withering pumpkins or maybe a ride on Uncle’s 4 wheeler.

I miss all this and of course the time spent with our families and friends. But as I was wallowing in my one woman pity party earlier in the week, the Lord reminded me of my thoughts this time last year.

I wanted to be right here. I remember wanting nothing more than to be in this country, with these people even as we gathered then with our family and friends in Texas.

Oh how my heart has come full circle.

So today with my divided heart that wishes to be in two places, I am thankful.

-He’s brought us here to the exact place where He wants us to live and serve! What a full year we’ve had. My God is faithful and His goodness is overwhelming as we’ve seen time and time again.

-For the memories we hold in our hearts of holidays past and for the fun times we’ve shared with so many.

-Our little family of five is healthy and able to celebrate in flip flops and sleeveless shirts!

-New traditions in the making.

-New friends who are becoming our family in PNG.

-For fresh chicken plucked and cleaned just days before we feast! We’ll adapt our favorite side dishes and mask that sometimes soapy taste that sometimes comes from food being shipped on a 40 foot container half way around the world. (It will be worth it I assure you.)

-Skype that will bring our families together this weekend.

-For the Christmas season that lies ahead and WHO we’ll celebrate. heart is full.

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever." Ps. 107:1

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to have a heart divided. You never seem to find the one thing/place/people that fill you all the way up . . . guess that helps point us more to Who can (talking to myself). Happy Thanksgiving! May it be a day full of things to be thankful for.


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