Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Big Trees & Yellow Hair

For added entertainment, read out loud!

This might be one of the most random posts you’ve ever read. Sadly, I guess there hasn’t been much blog worthy happening, so random is what you get.

Several weeks ago, our store, the ONLY store we have, received a large quantity of cheap hair dyes. There were two options: chestnut and yellow. How could I tell? There were color swatches attached to the side of the box. I know, brilliant! No mistaking what color you’d be getting in the bottle.

Being the savvy consumer I am, I felt it my duty to make sure the dyes, particularly the yellow color, actually worked. With a price of around a $1, what could actually happen?

So my partner in hair crime and I went to the store to pick up the yellow dye, which I had convinced myself at this point would actually be BLONDE. I only wanted a section of hair done, not my whole head. More like a highlight. And really, it was going to be BLONDE and not yellow, so really all would be well, right?!

Until you actually dye the section of hair you’ve selected only to discover it really IS yellow.

The pictures don’t do it justice so I don’t bother posting one, but as a friends husband said “It looks like you've squirted honey mustard packet from McDonalds on to your head.” So if you’re really interested in the color, go pick up a packet from the golden arches and imagine a chunk of my hair in that color.

Thankfully, it’s all but washed out now. I mean, with a price of around $1 what did you expect?!
 In other news, we had another tree cut down. Oh my word. This tree was HUGE and covering up our hot water and solar panels. Not good when you depend on the sun to give you the “hot” in a hot shower. Plus it was going to be problematic if the tree ever fell on its own...on my house. So for a few weeks, these brave guys climbed and cut the tree limb by limb with axes and eventually brought in a chain saw, tractor and ropes to finish the job.
After...I may have shrieked when it fell...

Oh and we’re dead in the middle of our tropical winter. (Side note: Tropical winters mean dry, cold mornings, clear blue skies and temps in the 70's during the day. Those with gardens and land take the opportunity of dry season and burn their fields. As I write this, I can't see past the house behind us because of how thick the smoke is! If you think about it, please pray (again) that we get some rain to calm the dust, the smoke and fill up our water tanks.)

The left number is the outside temp and the right number is the INSIDE temp. That's what happens when you don't have insulation and just a small wood burning stove for heat. Our PNG friends have much less, so I'm very grateful for what we do have.

Guess that about does it for the random today. Maybe soon I’ll have something more blog worthy to report!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I wish I could have seen your hair. :) Praying for rain!


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