Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Peaceful Pieces

The other day a friend asked me how I was doing and how things were going in our preparation to leave. I said, "Well, I've got a peace about the whole thing, but my "getting ready" is in a million pieces."

I'm scattered all over the house with laundry, bags, one ice chest (we decided on the blue one...bigger...holds more food! :)) snacks, toys, DVD's...on and on... I would normally become quite frantic at this point in the midst of getting ready for a trip, but right now, I'm okay.

The other night as I was washing dishes, thinking about the million things I needed to do instead of standing at the sink and the Lord reminded me: "Don't worry about's got enough going on already. Do what you have to get done today and let ME take care of tomorrow."

More often than not I get so wrapped up in the midst of what I have to do that I forget that worrying will do nothing except stress me out (and everyone around me!!) So I keep giving the entire sitation back over to the Lord and let Him take care of it. I figure as long as J's flight bag has everything it needs, I can find the other stuff that I might forget along the way...preferably at a Target! :)

As far as what happens after we've been there 2 weeks? The Lord's already got the outcome. We're just driving 1,000 miles to find out what He already knows. And yeah, there's great peace in that too.

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