Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Plane! The Plane!

What happens when you have a really cool first grade teacher who loves hands on learning? You get to go on really cool field trips!
And if you're lucky, one of the kids in your class has a dad who flies airplanes which automatically means a field trip to the local airport! :)

A couple of weeks ago, on a really wet, really cold morning, D's first grade class took a tour of the airport with Jason leading the charge.

I'm not sure who was more excited: the class or D because his dad was the star that day or Jason who just loves talking to anyone about airplanes! It might be a three way tie!

So here they are in the terminal discussing, time, weather and where the vending machines are located. D made sure to point this out and even brought change to demonstrate their functionality. He was shot down in this attempt although argued a strong case.

Out in the hangar...who's kid is in shorts and a t-shirt in 50 degree, rainy weather?! Oh wait...

"Why do I have to do this?! You already have a million pictures of me in the airplane!" Because it's FIELD TRIP day--just smile! Alright, an add an eye roll for good measure...

And no field trip is complete without a snack. I think I kind of over did it this time with the fondant salmon colored (supposed to be orange!) airplanes, but they were cute and I hope tasted even better!
Did the kids learn anything that day?? I'm not sure what they learned about airplanes but I can guarantee you they learned you should wear a jacket when their mom says so and bring change just in case there's a snack machine around the corner.

There are life lessons everywhere.

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