Thursday, November 25, 2010

24 of 25 Days

Oh how I am grateful and thankful for answered prayer today!!

If you've been reading long, you know we have been in the process of deciding "where" to go with Wycliff/JAARS. It was narrowed down between Papua New Guinea and Cameroon West Africa. Both locations have a need for Jason's skill set, so that didn't help us narrow it down. And trying to make a decision like this is hard when you're trusting other people on information and not visiting the locations yourself.

So, of course, we run back to the Lord with all of our questions, seeking the Word for answers and yes, waiting.

We found out Monday night that our 2nd interview with our PA would be today. We knew he was going to ask us where we thought the Lord was leading us, so we thought we might need an answer. So through more prayer and waiting, we feel like the Lord is leading us to Papua New Guinea (I'll be saying PNG from now on instead of typing it out every can see why!)

This will be our tentative assignment until all of the "official" paperwork gets processed (yes there's still more) and a formal invitation is given by the Wycliffe/JAARS office in PNG. That will come in due time.

We're excited, nervous, and have a peace about it all at the same time. I'm excited to see what the next several months hold. I know we will have extensive training and then start the partnership development phase, I'm guessing by early summer. We'll see how it all goes, but I know that the Lord already has a plan and we're just along for the ride, waiting for the plan to unfold.

Thank you for you prayers, support and questions during this process. And thanks for waiting through this with's nice to have good company along for the ride, but stay buckled in...we're not there yet!


  1. Exciting stuff, James! I'm looking forward to the NC part of this adventure, so I can spend lots and lots of quality time with you. Maybe we can trick out my blog site a little this time, make it fancier, like yours ;) Happy Thanksgiving sweet one.

  2. Wow! I will continue to pray for you guys. Thanks for keeping us all updated, that's a job in and of itself!! Love you Brew Crew!


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