Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 12 of 25

Seven years ago I entered the world of disposable diapers and wipes.

Seven years later, I'm still inundated on a daily, reoccuring basis with both of them.

I know at some point in the next few years we'll be done with the diapers, but the wipes? They are here to stay.

They're so handy, portable and smell CLEAN. Some days smelling clean is a more important reason than the others!

Spill something in the back seat? Pass the box to the back and get it wiped up, but remember to throw your trash away once we're near a can!

Sticky? Grab one...and use it on your fingers and your face! Get two if you've had ice cream.

Boogie that just won't budge? Start digging!

Blow out in the diaper? If you're small a full body wipe down can happen in a matter of minutes and can sustain until a bath can happen.

Paint project go awry in preschool? A wipe and some elbow grease will do the trick. Disaster and full 3 year old meltdown diverted.

Thank you to whoever invented the disposable wipe. My children, my van and my sanity are grateful.

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