But as of 11:56 a.m., I can say today that I'm thankful for brand new life!! Today one of my best friends had her third child!!!
Happy Birthday Dominic Grey!!
I am always amazed at the process of life. From conception, growing in the womb to finally entering into this world, I am in awe. The whole process is intricate and complicated. The more you learn and understand it the more you can't deny that the Creator of all has His hands in it.
I LOVE the fact that before my friend was even born, God knew that 30 something years down the road, she'd have this precious baby she's holding tonight. I love that He already has a plan and purpose for that precious baby as well.
So tonight sweet Dominic know that you are loved and I can't wait to see what your future holds.
Thank you Jaime. I love you so much and I am so thankful that I have you in my life! :) I can't wait for you to meet him and of course just being able to see you is always great! Love you!