Saturday, November 6, 2010

Days 4 & 5 of Thanks!

I'm a little behind on my days of thanks...I knew this would happen eventually, but I thought it would happen later not sooner!

Over the last couple of days, I have been made aware, again, of how wonderful it is to be a part of a church family. Growing up, I don't think I appreciated the people that I saw every Sunday and Wednesday. I was just a kid, living life, growing up and those people were just a constant presence in my life. As an adult, I've had the opportunity to be a part of several different churches and each was a representation of what the body of Christ should look like.

Having a baby? Beware that you'll be bombarded with gifts from almost every family in the directory...even if you've never talked to them!

Sick? Having surgery? Food is coming your way...for at least a week!

Going through a rough time? Sincere prayers are being said on your behalf.

Need to cry? Just pick up the phone and a friend is there, waiting, listening and more than likely crying with you.

The church, as I've discovered in my Christian walk, isn't about the building, but about the people inside. No we're not perfect, yes we have our issues, but if the building burned down tomorrow, our church, the body of Christ, would still be in tact. We'd get through it together and be better because of it.

This leads me into Day 5 where I just concluded a full day with several of the teachers I work with for teacher training. From sun up to sun down, we were together...thankfully we like each other!

I am blessed to work with a group of women who care. They care about me, my family, what's going on in our lives and about each other. In just the few short months of this school year, we've grown tighter than ever. We've laughed, cried, vented and harassed each other (lovingly of course!) I haven't worked at many places where the comradery was like this. I truly feel like they're an extended part of my family.

Since you can't hear me sing (that should be Day 6 of thankfulness!) I'll leave you with part of an old hymn that I remember singing at my grandparent's church when I was younger. Yes, it's an oldie, but the words still remain true:

I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God!
I've been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood.
Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod.
For I'm part of the family, the family of God.

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