Friday, November 26, 2010

Time to Spruce it Up!!

The fact that this blog has been void of pictures for a whole 25 days alluded me until I was reviewing my posts!! Time to throw in some faces!

First let's review what happens when daddy comes along to the grocery store on his day off. We end up having a small photo shoot with the baby playing with his empty cup. He, for some reason, got a kick out of this.

This next pic has some explanation behind it. First of all, if my husband ever read the blog, he probably wouldn't appreciate me posting this. Since he rarely reads it, I'm safe until one of you rats me out! :)

So we are a part of the children's church program. We act, do puppets, that kind of thing. Simple for me, a little more challenging for the hubs for obvious reason.

The other Sunday, I was very sleep deprived and he had to dress up as "someone different". Well, he thought the coat was "fly" and added hair because, well that is "different" for him and I thought the glasses were a great addition.

Needless to say, he started in with these 70's type pick up lines backstage and I was rolling! We went out to do our skit and it is the first time in 4 years that I couldn't even get through my lines I was laughing so hard!! Tears were streaming down my face. I was done. So I had to take a picture! Okay, so it may not be funny to you, but trust me, it was HILARIOUS!! I wouldn't lead you astray in comedy. I promise!

CuTe new owl hat for baby girl thanks to a click here and there on She's less than thrilled about this. Too bad. Sis has one too and mama's getting one :) Just wait for that picture!

No picture post would be complete without happy orange curls...

Big sis fell asleep on the couch...little sis saw temptation...and got caught!

Happy Black Friday shopping for those that brave the cold and crowds...find a good deal for me!

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