Monday, December 27, 2010

Third Time's a Charm

Tonight I'm sitting in a hotel in Amarillo, Texas. Go ahead, you know you want to bust out George Strait's "Amarillo by Morning"...I've started it about a million times today but can't get past the first 10 words, so I just start it over and over again.

J and I are headed to Crested Butte, CO to ski with a group from our church. We've tried 2 other times this year to get away and celebrate our 10th anniversary, but to no avail. That's okay because those other times had their own benefits and now, the 3rd time, is working out wonderfully. Gotta love God's timing!

I already miss my 3 amigos. They are having their own adventure with Nana & Papaw this week, so I know they probably won't miss me as much as I do them! :) In fact, Mo said she wouldn't miss me and she might call me once. Wow.

So here we are...half way to the mountains and a chance to see if I remember anything from a ski trip years ago. Only time will tell, but let's just say I'm not so optimistic. Hopefully hubs has his patience hat's gonna be cold.

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