Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hello Tuesday!

It's Tuesday morning and I'm NOT at school. To be honest, I'm not sure WHY we're out today. There's some sleet and it's COLD and windy but other than that??? Anyway, I'm not complaining, rather enjoying more coffee in my cup (I really need this to be my last cup for today!) and staying warm inside with some very excited kids and the hubs. Yippee! Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside :) Or maybe that's just the coffee? Either way, it's a happy day around here!

Then I remembered that its February 1st. Really? Where did January run off to?

I spent most of the last month, among other things, talking to God about some issues. Nothing unusual (He hears from me alot), but the kicker is that He said wants me to change some things in my life. The word that keeps coming up is "de-gunking". Didn't know it was a word? Well, it is, at least in Jaime Land. (I think this is what I get for working with pre-schoolers and living with young kids!)

Sometimes I'm not a willing participant in change or de-gunking. Change is takes takes you making a commitment to get it done. And sometimes I think I'm just fine and dandy the way things are and yet He says, "No you're not. You want to be more like me? You gotta long way to go." But yet He promises that He's with me every.single.step. of the way:

"I will never leave you nor forsake you."

What a relief--even with all my gunk! And the great thing is that change with HIM is so different than trying to do things on your own. You can't do it. Any time you try to make the change, you ultimately fail because there's only so much that you can do in and of yourself. With the Lord, it is all possible. So I'm hanging on to His promises for me and can't wait for the outcome He wants for me.

So bring on February--I'm ready. Let me just fill up my cup one more time...

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Jaime! I have come to the same conclusion lately and God is surely getting me to de-gunk my life. You are an inspiration! Praying for you daily.


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