Thursday, February 10, 2011


Poking around my blog the other day I found a "stats" button. I opened it up and found all sorts of interesting little tidbits.

The "stats" button tells you how many people have viewed your blog, where they're from or if they've found you on somebody else's blog. It even tells you the operating systems used.

Fascinating, disturbing and interesting all wrapped in one.

Here's what I found...

-There are people from Canada, China, South Korea, the Netherlands and Belgium who have wandered there way over to my little space of the world. How did they find me? Yes, I've googled my blog and it didn't come up because there's too many other fun/weird things to read under "My Head in The Clouds" or "The Brewer House". The Brewer Baseball team takes the brunt of google searches if you just type in "Brewer's".

-The usual suspects who view were listed...a shout out to Char in Mexico and Austria...Hi Krista!)

-The most popular post thus far? This cracked me up..."The Lawnmower Workout" Who knew the antics of trying to get the lawn mowed would be a hit!

So if you're from a distant land reading this, leave a comment and let me know where you're from! I'd love to know and like to know how you stumbled to my little world in cyberspace. And the dear reader from Belgium...I could really go for some chocolate right about now, can we make that happen?


  1. Does Kentucky count as a distant land? I LOVE reading about you and your sweet family. It's been more than 10 years since we talked with real non-electronic voices, but I still smile when I think of you. And I still wear the SFA sweatshirt you gave me.

    Can't help much with the chocolate. The most famous consumable 'round these parts is probably not recommended for good Baptist missionaries-to-be! :)


  2. I just now read this! Thanks for the shout out! I love being able to read about your life esp since I don't get to be apart of it daily! I love you guys tons!!


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