Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday Summary

What have we been up to?? Where have I been???

I'll tell ya...right in front of this computer!

We started our online training for Wycliffe this week. Lots of reading, but it has been very challenging and informative. This will last for the next 5 weeks before we head to Orlando for 2 weeks of onsite training.

I've been working on developing and editing a prayer card for our church's missions conference coming up at the end of the month. It's amazing that I'm still sitting in front of this computer because I threatened to throw it out the window earlier in the week. A little frustrating? Perhaps!

The thing is we're doing things a little backwards. Normally the training comes first then a missions conference, but it was such a great opportunity with our church, we couldn't say no! So, CBC...thanks for your patience with us...we're doing our best to get some stuff together :) We hope, despite our lack of knowledge, you'll come to see the heart we have for Bible translation and aviation!

In the midst of all of that:

-We actually had a full week of school (What? A full week?! ),

-A date with my hubs (the birthday celebration continues!),

-A dentist appointment (we're not talking about how that went!)

-And tonight my boys and I are off to see Third Day at LeTourneau- me and J's Alma mater!! Third Day always put on a great concert and we are so excited! (I heart Mac Powell. That's just a side note for your information and if he asks if he can sing something to me or wants me to come on stage, I will gladly say yes!).

So how has your week been? Whatcha been up to? (A friend asked, "Do you really want me to respond?" Um, HELLO YES!! I wouldn't pose the question if I didn't want an answer :))

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