Friday, April 1, 2011

Thankful Thursday...Pensacola Style

Today I'm thankful for...

-Safe travels, clear roads, beautiful sunrise...we're here in Pensacola as our first stop-safe and sound!

-Happy, sometimes bored, very talkative kids even after twelve hours of being in van. They love road trips and new adventures...guess that's a good thing with what we're going into right?!

-A park on the side of the road that caught my eye. A perfect spot to eat lunch and let the kids run around.

-A hotel deal that includes dinner and breakfast.

-The friends and family that came by before we left...those that called, texted and emailed all week saying they were praying for us. We have felt those prayers all week long and have felt a peace that only comes from the Lord.

-The generosity of those around us. It's been another humbling, overwhelming few days.

-For a huge comfy bed that's calling my name after being up since 4:30...I don't do mornings :)

Good night...more to come as the weeks progress!

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