Monday, March 28, 2011

Wanted: Opportunity

I'm staring at a mountain of laundry.

This normally wouldn't bother me because there's always laundry piling up. It's either dirty and needs to be run through the wash or clean and ready to be put up....always a pile. But it's the fact that this entire process needs to be done and (some of it packed!) in a matter of a few days.

We're getting ready to leave for Orlando and wrap up our training with Wycliffe. We've finished our online course (thank you Lord!) and now we get to see how it's all going to come together.

I'm also making my list of things that we have to take:

-A mound of paperwork that might make even the IRS shutter

-Swimsuits, sunscreen...on the off chance we have time to head to the beach even for just half a day!

-The ever growing pile of "technological gadgets". The cords are what really drive me crazy since everything has to be charged up or hooked up in order to function. I'm might have to label them to keep them straight!

Even in the midst of all this, I'm waiting and watching for opportunities to see the Lord at work. I've been reminded frequently this week that I have no reason to worry, to fret over the "things to do". He's got this. It's ME that gets in the way, that loses patience with the process and I want things to hurry along.

It's never Him. He's patient, willing to wait on me to move out of the way so He can finish what He's started.

I want this particular trip to be another way that He shows us, yet again, who He is. I want opportunities to tell others why we're headed to Orlando and better yet, to tell others about His love for them.

I want to pay attention to the things the Lord is trying to tell me along the way. I get "in a zone" and in a hurry on a day to day basis that I miss out on little ways the Lord is telling me He loves me. I don't want to miss seeing Him on this trip. I want to be awake so to speak during my conversations with others or seeing the things He's created along the way.

He's with us in this journey we're on. He's going with us and better yet, He's going ahead of us.

I've got nothing to worry about...except defeating the laundry pile.

Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; do not fret it only causes harm. (Psalm 37:8 NKJV)

1 comment:

  1. hey! i know your pain all to well of packing and the electronic cords.... ohhh those cords! cut small strips of masking tape.... label and stick on 'em then throw 'em in a ziploc bag! check to see if any of them are the same and can work for more than one thing. some are just basic USB cords. when/if you have to travel to churches to raise support.... i bring one, maybe 2 church outfits for me & Danny (maybe 2 ties/dress shirts in case of spillage), but remember.... unless you're in a coference, no one but yourself will know you wear that every Sunday ;) LOLOL!


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