Sunday, January 1, 2012

Adios 2011

As I look back at the calendar (yes...I looked back at each month-that's the only way I can keep track of our life!) I am in awe of all that's taken place. We were so uncertain of what 2011 would hold...

-In January, Mal turned ONE (where did that year go!?) and we officially became members of Wycliffe

-February had us out of our comfort zone for what would be only the beginning, speaking about our future with Wycliffe during our church's annual missions conference. What a blessing and opportunity we had that week with our CBC family. 

-April had us on the road...again...our third major road trip in last 8 months. We headed to training at Wycliffe Headquarters in Orlando, Florida.

-In May I said goodbye to my tenure as a preschool teacher. We began the full time process of PD (partnership development) 

-Had a great week of VBS in lives were changed forever...for HIM! We also took the daunting step of putting our house on the market.

-July found the Brewer Boys in Osh Kosh, Wisconsin at the air show. I think my son is forever in love with airplanes.

-In August we felt like we were really starting our journey...visiting churches other than our own. Great to meet God's people...our extended family!

-September meant kids starting back to school, Mo getting older and little did we know by month's end we'd be moving in with the in-laws!

-October...oh October...when things really kicked into high gear. Closed on our house on D's birthday, and Jason left a matter of 3 weeks. Whoa! Not to mention at least one or all of us was gone every weekend for 5 weekends straight. All of sudden it was November and now the end of December?! We were so blessed along the way to see friends we hadn't seen in years. Our time together wasn't long enough!

And now here we are. Looking forward to what 2012 has in store! If I thought I didn't know what this last year had for us...I'm completely baffled at what next year will bring.

So many questions (that keeps happening...just when I think I have an answer, there's another question!) The major question...what will happen after June 23? Will we have our financial and prayer team together to leave for PNG in August? Will I be able to blog this time next year?! :)

Regardless of what happens or where we end up, I know WHO holds the future. I trust Him to guide us, just like He has, every step of the way. Yes, there are days I need to remember to breathe...that these things we deal with in the moment (paperwork, boxes, sheer craziness!!) are just temporary. I'm reminded in those times what the Lord has done this year...His provision (sometimes in the most unlikely places or people!) His guidance...His's Him we're following on this journey.

Thankful for a wonderful year and looking forward to what 2012 has in store!

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