Wednesday, March 14, 2012

JAARS Day {Part 2}

One opportunity offered during JAARS Day are rides in the Helio Courier or in the helicopter. I've never been in a helicopter as hubs is only rated in flying airplanes. (Helicopters are a whole other rating to acquire with months of training, testing and oh yes, several thousand dollars, hence the reason he doesn't have one...yet?!)

We were watching others take off and land from their ten minute ride and I contemplated whether or not to pay the small fee and have the experience. Jason says go for it as he and D went for a ride while at Osh Kosh over the summer. The girls won't go, so it's just me so I decided to go for it and I'm so glad I did!

Getting my pre-flight...he was hilarious!

A shot from my seat...

The paparazzi My family and a friend capturing the moment...

About to take off...

Here we go!

I have several "self portrait" shots over the years, but none in a helicopter until today!

Look on the the left...that's the Charlotte skyline!

Runway 4...back to JAARS!

Coming in for a landing...

One last photo as proof...

After my flight, I'm convinced Jason needs to one day get his helicopter rating! 
We'll see what the Lord has in store over the years...first things first...let's get to PNG!

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