Sunday, February 24, 2019

Head, Shoulder, Knees & Toes

If you receive our newsletters, you read that this is shaping up to be the term we deal with all the health things. Beginning last January, upon our return to PNG, we've had several health related issues in our family. I won't list them all because that's boring for you and honestly there are people we know and love facing far worse situations. Regardless, it's been a challenge to have so many things happen back to back. Today an update...and you're welcome for singing "Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes" the rest of the day :)

Head: D is feeling better, claiming to feel "normal" whatever that looks like for a teenage boy (and really that's another blog post altogether!) He has resumed all but one of his classes, which is a huge praise! However, there's a good amount of make up work to finish but the school and teachers are working with him to get caught up. Plus, he has a bit more motivation...I suspect that his isolation for a couple of weeks has helped him gain some perspective.

Shoulders: My shoulders been a little tense these days if I'm being honest. More of why that could be below...

Knees: The short version of this section is that Jason hurt his knee last year. Actually, probably as far back as 2016. The pain ebbed and flowed but this year it's become more significant and now is affecting his ability to work. Our doctors here said in order to know what was really happening he'd need to get an MRI. So, currently, he's in Australia awaiting an orthopedic doctors appointment (tomorrow) to see where we go with all of this and what can be done.

Toes: So far our toes have been unaffected. Unless you count the mud they encounter on a regular basis during rainy season. In that case, I could use a pedicure but that's beside the point.

This morning, as I was thinking about writing this, Lauren Daigle's "Your Wings" came to mind and then this reminder from Psalm 91:4 that a friend stitched for me a few years ago:

Come what may with these current situations or in the future...we know we're covered and in the Lord's hands. He's sheltering and protecting us and I don't have to fear or dread what's next. What a image and promise to cling to!

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